Basic Accounting Solutions, Volume 1, 2nd Edition Volume 1: Learning Goal 1: Explain What a Business Is and What It Does Volume 1: Learning Goal 2: Define and Identify Assets Volume 1: Learning Goal 3: Define and Identify the Two Claims on Assets Volume 1: Learning Goal 4: Use the Accounting Equation to Show the Condition Volume 1: Learning Goal 5: Define "Entity" and Identify Different Types Volume 1: Learning Goal 6: Analyze Individual Transactions Volume 1: Learning Goal 7: Identify Common Assets and Liability Volume 1: Learning Goal 8: Explain the Four Basic Changes in Owner's Equity Volume 1: Learning Goal 9: Analyze the Cumulative Effect of Transactions Volume 1: Learning Goal 10: Accounting: The Big Picture Volume 1: Learning Goal 11: Begin to Record Volume 1: Learning Goal 12: Describe the Financial Statements Volume 1: Learning Goal 13: Identify and Prepare an Income Statement Volume 1: Learning Goal 14: Identify and Prepare a Statement of Owner's Equity Volume 1: Learning Goal 15: Identify and Prepare a Balance Sheet Volume 1: Learning Goal 16: Identify the Statement of Cash Flows Volume 1: Learning Goal 17: Compare, Contrast, and Connect All the Financial Statements Volume 1: Learning Goal 18: Describe the Conceptual Framework of Accounting Volume 1: Learning Goal 20: Explain the Use of Accounts Volume 1: Learning Goal 21: Use the Owner's Capital Accounts Volume 1: Learning Goal 22: "Debits on the left, credits on the right!" Volume 1: Learning Goal 23: Use a Ledger Volume 1: Learning Goal 24: Use a Journal Volume 1: Learning Goal 25: Use a Basic Accounting System Volume 1: Learning Goal 26: The Trial Balance—Prepare It and Use It Two Ways Volume 1: Learning Goal 27: Explain the Accounting Cycle Volume 1: Learning Goal 28: Describe the Corporate Entity Volume 1: Learning Goal 29: Explain the Owners' Equity of a Corporation Volume 1: Learning Goal 30: More Paid–in Capital and Retained Earnings Transactions Volume 1: Learning Goal 31: Prepare Corporate Financial Statements Volume 1: Learning Goal 32: Analyze Financial Statements Volume 1: Learning Goal 33: Partnerships